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Wintertime at the Lights

There are always so many great reasons to spend a couple of hours at the Twin Lights, and with all this snow and freezing cold, it might be the perfect time to see some of the Sandlass Beach exhibit. The kids will love the stories about what both ladies and men did when they came to the beach without their own bathing suits. For that matter, it’s rather amazing to see the kinds of bathing suits ladies wore to the beach in earlier eras. The exhibitions at the Twin Lights are full of amazing, little known but certainly fun and fully accurate facts that there is always something new to learn. Taking a second look at the Marconi exhibit is also fun, and trying your had at Morse Code, always a challenge.

While you’re up there, check out the incredibly unique jigsaw puzzles in the museum store

and consider bringing one home for an evening’s entertainment. The puzzle of so many great sights in New Jersey is beautiful, but more intriguing is the absolutely beautiful puzzle of the Twin Lights. And you can promote your favorite museum facially if you’re in need of a mask during these Covid times, and pick one up with the Twin Lights imprinted on it.

Tours are available Wednesday – Saturday and are $12 per person, with kids 10 years and under free. Call 732-872-1814 or email us to reserve your spot today!


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